Located on the Mississauga and Oakville border
Family law is an umbrella term encompassing all nuances that come with a separation. This includes issues involving custody, access, child support, spousal support, and property division. We also provide services for the drafting of separation, cohabitation, and marriage agreements.
Being charged with a criminal offence can leave you in a place of uncertainty and anxiety. Whether you have a scheduled bail hearing or are in the preparatory steps of a trial call to book an appointment and get assistance with your next steps.
Wills and Power of Attorney are crucial instruments for proper distribution of an estate and for care provisions in the event of illness and/or incapacity. Contact us to inquire about drafting a Will and Power of Attorney.
At GSG Legal our mission is to ensure that you get the answers and guidance you need to navigate through courthouse procedure. We practice exclusively in the area of Family and Criminal Law and are equipped to provide you with legal advice suitable to your circumstances.
We know the importance of the lawyer-client relationship and strive to guide you through every step of your legal matter. You need a lawyer you can rely on. Contact us now to book a consultation and determine your next steps.

About Me

Garav Gill - Founder
Garav is the founder and managing director of GSG Legal Law Firm. He holds a law degree from the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law in Ontario and an undergraduate degree from McMaster University.
As a distinguished litigator, Garav has a particular passion for advocacy at all levels of court, whether that advocacy involves submissions for urgent motions or lengthy trials. Garav practices in all areas of family law, with a particular focus on complex property and equalization issues.
When not in the office, he likes to unwind by going camping and hiking in provincial and federal parks all over the country with his dog, Nino.

1715 Lakeshore Road West, Suite 201
Mississauga, ON
L5J 1J4
Email: info@gsglegal.ca
Tel: (905) 565-0000
Fax: (905) 565-8081
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form.